Your software documentation
always up-to-date

Helping modern teams to focus on adding value, not writing documentation.
Otodoc generate and maintain your documentation directly from your source code.

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Illustration showing Otodoc is analyzing your source code app

AI-powered documentation uses AI to analyze source code and other relevant information you have to automatically generate software documentation so you can spend more time on adding new feature.

Always up-to-date updates documentation every time changes are made on your application or only when you app is released - you choose - ensuring documentation is always up-to-date.

Illustration showing that every time changes are pushed to git, it will update your doc
Illustration showing you can generate multiple documentation types

Multiple outputs allows you to generate product documentation like features descriptions, user guides... or technical documentation like architecture overview, test plans and a lot more!


What if I prefer to write documentation manually ?

While manual documentation is an option, can save you hours of time and ensure accuracy.

Ready to get started?

Connect with GitHub or Gitlab to create your account.

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